2.1 Demonstrate ability to create and configure Content Types with appropriate fields and field sett

Review what a content type is and how to display content in different methods.

In Drupal, a Content Type consists of the following primary elements:

  • Content type: base configuration

  • Content type: fields

Base configuration:

The base configuration of a content type defines the default behavior and properties of the content type. Examples include whether or not a newly created item of content has the status of _published_by default; or whether or not a newly created item of content is associated with one or more menus.

Moreover, the base configuration of a content type may also permit other additional custom settings provided by add-on modules.


Content Types permit the creation of a set of fields that are associated together in some meaningful way.

Content Types are the building blocks for structured authoring in Drupal. Content types often work in conjunction with Views, which is one way you can serve up content to your end users; you can control the content types that appear and the order in which they appear. Developers can also customize the authoring experience in the same way.

From: drupal.org/working-with-content-types-and-fields-drupal-7-and-later

Create a new Content Type

configuration yml file for node.type.article.yml

uuid: 5eb519c6-4ac4-4732-a276-06d8cc71c2fd
langcode: en
status: true
dependencies: {  }
  default_config_hash: AeW1SEDgb1OTQACAWGhzvMknMYAJlcZu0jljfeU3oso
name: Article
type: article
description: 'Use <em>articles</em> for time-sensitive content like news, press releases or blog posts.'
help: ''
new_revision: true
preview_mode: 1
display_submitted: true

Create and configure fields

To update field configuration click on the storage settings. Below is an example of the image field on the article content type.

configuration yml file for field.field.node.article.field_image.yml

uuid: b3a1e9d8-c78d-43c4-9eaf-8000460c5d72
langcode: en
status: true
    - field.storage.node.field_image
    - node.type.article
    - image
  default_config_hash: tgJzhA7Swh4M_gWU5FwFe5lPxPj5rebpMbvhpdNrERs
id: node.article.field_image
field_name: field_image
entity_type: node
bundle: article
label: Image
description: ''
required: false
translatable: true
default_value: {  }
default_value_callback: ''
  file_directory: '[date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m]'
  file_extensions: 'png gif jpg jpeg'
  max_filesize: ''
  max_resolution: ''
  min_resolution: ''
  alt_field: true
  title_field: false
  alt_field_required: true
  title_field_required: false
    uuid: null
    alt: ''
    title: ''
    width: null
    height: null
  handler: 'default:file'
  handler_settings: {  }
field_type: image

configuration yml file for field.storage.node.field_image.yml

uuid: 2303702c-836e-48bc-aa7e-f8efc6cee9a8
langcode: en
status: true
    - file
    - image
    - node
  default_config_hash: SkXIPKZYiIMMtnBmfnxk58RYfbZ8cHSw5NZPY_JByME
id: node.field_image
field_name: field_image
entity_type: node
type: image
  uri_scheme: public
    uuid: null
    alt: ''
    title: ''
    width: null
    height: null
  target_type: file
  display_field: false
  display_default: false
module: image
locked: false
cardinality: 1
translatable: true
    - target_id
persist_with_no_fields: false
custom_storage: false

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