Study Guide

Check out the new Drupal 8 User Guide for understanding key concepts

Tools to Know for Drupal Development

Drupal Coding Standards

This is an overview of coding best practices and standards as they are applied in the Drupal community.

These coding standards, detailed for every area in which code might be produced during Drupal development, represent the broadly established best practices of the community. Adhering to these best practices will make development go more smoothly, and your contributions to Drupal core or modules more readily and easily accepted. If you are working on a project with Acquia technical support, these are the coding standards to which pull requests must adhere.


While not required to pass the Site Builder exam, Drush is considered a basic skill for Drupal site development.

Practice Skills Application

The application of Drupal 8 concepts is the hands-on practice of development. The courses provide some opportunity to practice doing basic development tasks alongside the videos, but you will need more practice than that to pass the exam. Some suggested resources are below, which provide details for the completion of specific development tasks in Drupal 8.

1. Fundamental Web Development Concepts

1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of HTML and CSS

1.2 Identify Javascript and jQuery programing concepts

1.3 Demonstrate the use of Git for version control

2.0 Site Building

2.1 Demonstrate ability to create and configure Content Types with appropriate fields and field settings for building basic data structures

2.2 Demonstrate ability to configure Display Modes for building custom form and view modes for core entities

2.3 Demonstrate ability to create and use Taxonomy vocabularies and terms for classification and organization of content

2.4 Demonstrate ability to configure Block types, manage Blocks library and configure Block layouts

2.5 Demonstrate ability to build main and alternative navigation systems by using Menus

2.6 Demonstrate ability to create and configure Views for building content list pages, blocks, and feeds

2.7 Demonstrate ability to use Configuration Management capabilities for exporting site configurations

2.8 Demonstrate ability to build multilingual websites using core multilingual capabilities

2.9 Demonstrate ability to build RESTful web applications using core Web Services capabilities

3.0 Front End Development (theming)

3.1 Given a scenario, demonstrate ability to create a custom theme or sub-theme

3.2 Demonstrate knowledge of theming concepts

3.3 Demonstrate ability to use Twig syntax

3.4 Demonstrate ability to build or override Twig templates for defining layout content

3.5 Demonstrate ability to write template pre-process functions for overriding custom output



Theming Drupal 8 (D.O Docs)

Drupal 8 Theming Guide by Sander

Drupal 8 Theming Essential Guide

4.0 Back End Development (coding)

4.1 Demonstrate ability to write code using core and Object-Oriented PHP

4.2 Demonstrate ability to develop Custom Modules using Drupal API for extending Drupal functionality

4.3 Demonstrate ability to store and retrieve data using code

4.4 Demonstrate ability to work with other essential APIs

4.5 Demonstrate ability to write code using Drupal Coding Standards

4.6 Demonstrate ability to analyze and resolve site performance issues arising from site configuration or custom code

4.7 Demonstrate ability to analyze and resolve security issues arising from site configuration or custom code Resources has published a concise list of the Drupalize.Me tutorials, and other resources, that will help you prepare for Acquia's Certified Developer exam for both Drupal 7 and 8. The list is available at:

Learn more about the Acquia Certification Program at

Last updated