Exam Domains

Exam Domains

Note: This exam Blueprint includes topics/domains and test objectives to help guide the test taker. They should not be construed as a comprehensive listing of all of the content on this examination.


Domain 1.0 Fundamental Personalization Concepts

1.1 - Demonstrate understanding of fundamental concepts of website personalization

1.2 - Demonstrate understanding of benefits and limitations of personalization

Domain 2.0 Installation and Initial Configuration

2.1 - Demonstrate ability to install Content Hub and ensure content readiness for personalization

2.2 - Demonstrate ability to install Acquia Personalization and setup data collection

2.3 - Demonstrate understanding of architectural considerations for third party integrations

Domain 3.0 Profile Manager / Campaign Builder

3.1 - Demonstrate ability to collect data and define Goals

3.2 - Demonstrate ability to understand and use Profile data (People tab)

3.3 - Demonstrate ability to define and use Segments

3.4 - Demonstrate ability to configure and manage Campaigns

3.5 - Demonstrate understanding of Analytics provided by Acquia Personalization (Analyze)

3.6 - Demonstrate ability to configure Acquia Personalization (Configure tab)

Domain 4.0 Experience Builder / Visual Editor

4.1 - Demonstrate ability to configure Slots

4.2 - Demonstrate ability to define Rules

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